Are ye madiens with your downcast eyes
Are ye madiens with your downcast eyes

are ye madiens with your downcast eyes

Not presume to lift his eyes to heaven, but with downcast countenance smites. removed from anything which would take any credit for any good in himself, does ///forbes/saint athanasius/chapter 3 the great council.htm His eyes are usually downcast, owing to a weakness of sight. A wild shock of hair overshadows his face, which is of a deathly pallor Be not downcast, and sour visaged, for this is offensive nor yet be wholly relaxed,įor this is open to contempt and treading under foot but, like the bee. /spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 17 1871/beauty for ashes.htm People, then their doubts and fears may well fly apace, since his presence. If the consolation of Israel himself comes forth for the uplifting of his downcast /prudentius/the hymns of prudentius/xii hymn for the epiphany.htm With downcast mien it shed Its splendours on the sacred Head. At length its flaming steps it stayed Poised over where the Child was laid: Straightway /basil/basil letters and select works/letter xliv to a lapsed.htm The breast? What layman is not downcast? What ascetic is not sad?. What cleric does not lament as he hears? What ecclesiastic does not beat /maclaren/expositions of holy scripture the acts/constrained by the word.htm Say 'is not that an unworthy word to use about a minister. Let me ask you to look with me at the downcast Apostle. /kempis/the imitation of christ/the fifty-seventh chapter a man.htm INTERNAL CONSOLATION The Fifty-Seventh Chapter: A Man Should Notīe Too Downcast When He Falls Into Defects.

are ye madiens with your downcast eyes

The Fifty-Seventh Chapter: a Man Should not be Too Downcast when.

Are ye madiens with your downcast eyes